

It is characterized by a mellow texture and a faint sweetness by sherry barrel unblended whiskey.

・Manufacture:Suntory Spirits Ltd.
・Alcohol degree:43 degrees

Impressions of the site administrator

 It has the gorgeous sweet scent like caramel.
 It has a mellow texture.
 You can taste the rich umami and the slight sweetness of malt.
 You can enjoy a pleasant afterglow.

■On the rocks
 The texture becomes more mellow.
 The umami and sweetness of malt are brought out and you can taste them more firmly.
 You can also enjoy the tasteful aftertaste.

■With water
 It has a clean texture.
 You can enjoy the refreshing sweetness of malt.
 The refreshing aftertaste is pleasant.

■With hot water
 The sweet scent becomes stronger.
 The sweetness of the malt stand out, and the harmony with the rich umami of the malt is wonderful.
 The tasteful and soft aftertaste is wonderful.

■With soda
 You can enjoy the sweetness and umami of malt and the refreshing feeling of carbonated water.
 You can also enjoy the refreshing aftertaste.

■Recommended way to drink
 [With hot water] is recommended.
 Please enjoy the sweet scent like caramel and the rich sweetness and umami of malt.

