The PREMIUM MALT’S <Jouzouka no Okurimono>


About [The PREMIUM MALT’S <Jouzouka no Okurimono>]

It is made from Hallertau Blanc hop and has the scent reminiscent of white wine.

・Manufacture:Suntory Ltd.
・Alcohol degree:5.5 degrees

Impressions of the site administrator

It has the scent of hop like white wine.
It has the light texture.
While refreshing, the deep umami and bitterness spreads in your mouth.
The tasteful afterglow is pleasant.

◇10月25日(発売日)より順次発送◇【22年歳暮限定】サントリー ザ・プレミアム・モルツ 醸造家の贈り物 カジュアルギフト 350ml×6缶

