Honkirin <Kaori no Mai>


About [Honkirin <Kaori no Mai>]

It is made from hop “IBUKI”, and you can enjoy the gorgeous scent.

・Manufacture:Kirin Brewery Co, Ltd.
・Material:Malt、Hop、Barley、Corn、Sugar、Barley spirits
・Alcohol degree:6 degrees

Impressions of the site administrator

It has the scent of hop like citrus.
It has the clean texture.
You can taste the light taste and the rich bitterness spreads in your mouth.
It has a high alcohol content and the satisfying quality of a drink.

キリン 本麒麟 香りの舞 350ml×24本/1ケース 【2ケースまで1個口配送可能】YLG

