Kirin Kouji lemon sour

Canned cocktail

About [Kirin Kouji lemon sour]

The malt brings out the sourness and umami of the lemon squeezed with skin, and you can enjoy the mellow taste of lemon.

・Manufacture:Kirin Brewery Co, Ltd.
・Material:Lemon juice、Malted rice extract、Spirits、Salt、Acidulant、Carbonic acid、Fragrance、Sweetener(Acesulfame K)
・Alcohol degree:7 degrees

Impressions of the site administrator

It has the faint and refreshing scent of lemon.
It has the refreshing texture.
You can taste the rich sourness and umami and the faint sweetness of lemon. 
The refreshing afterglow is pleasant.

キリン 麹レモンサワー 350ml缶×1ケース (24本) 送料無料(一部地域除く)

