

It is a pure malt whiskey of 100% malt that grown by beautiful forests and clear streams.
It features a deep taste.
It is a whiskey that everyone receives with a taste without habit.

・Manufacture:SAN.foods Co.,Ltd.
・Alcohol degree:40 degrees

Impressions of the site administrator

 It has an incense.
 It has a mellow texture.
 You can enjoy the deep taste that has been aged with malt.
 The tasty afterglow is comfortable.

■On the rocks
 The texture becomes more mellow.
 You can taste the deep umami and richness of malt and the subtle sweetness.
 You can enjoy a delicious aftertaste.

■With water
 It has a refreshing texture.
 You can taste the umami, richness and sweetness of malt.
 You can also enjoy the clean and comfortable aftertaste.

■With hot water
 The incense becomes stronger.
 The texture becomes more mellow.
 The richness of malt is brought out and it has a deeper taste.
 The harmony between the richness and the subtle sweetness of malt is wonderful.
 The tasty afterglow is comfortable.

■With soda
 The deep taste of malt and the stimuation of carbonated water are well harmonized.

■Recommended way to drink
 [With hot water] is recommended.
 Please enjoy the incense and deep taste.

created by Rinker
¥1,776 (2024/10/18 11:11:26時点 楽天市場調べ-詳細)

