

About [Amasatsuma]

It uses sweet potato called [Amasatsuma] as a raw material which is said to have a particularly strong sweetness.
It is characterized by its light sweetness.

・Shochu brewery:Satsumashuzo Co., Ltd.
・Material:Sweet potato(Amasatsuma)、Malted rice
・Malt:White malt
・Alcohol degree:25 degrees

Impressions of the site administrator

 It has a faint sweet scent.
 You can enjoy the light sweetness of sweet potato.

■On the rocks
 It has a mellow texture and is easier to drink.
 The sweetness of sweet potato increases, and you can enjoy the pleasant sweetness.

■With water
 It has a light texture and is easier to drink.
 The sweetness of sweet potato is weak, but you can enjoy the pleasant aftertaste of sweetness.

■With hot water
 The sweet scent increases dramatically.
 The harmony between the sweetness of sweet potato and the mellow texture is very good.
 You can enjoy the faint afterglow.

■Recommended way to drink
 [With hot water] is recommended.
 Please enjoy the three harmony of sweetness, mellowness, and afterglow.

薩摩酒造 甘薩摩 芋焼酎 900ml 25度 1本 瓶 酒 芋 米麹 さつま ロック お湯割り 水割り ストレート 買い回り

